Showing 1 - 10 of 108,635
investment. We test these predictions using a sample of U.S. firms and present new evidence that supports our theory …
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We develop a dynamic model of banking to assess the effects of liquidity and leverage requirements on banks' insolvency risk. In this model, banks face taxation, flotation costs of securities, and default costs and maximize shareholder value by making their financing, liquid asset holdings, and...
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-cycle theory of debt maturity …
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While small- and medium sized firms in Austria are generally more productive, export more, and engage more in higher technology activities than in comparable countries, they need to adapt better to the knowledge economy to maintain their relative performance levels. The capital structure of...
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theory …
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Existing literature has not yet defined a clear-cut relationship between ownership structure and capital structure. This study aims to contribute to this controversial argument by examining the impact of internal (managerial) ownership and external ownership on financing preferences using the...
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This appendix comprises four parts. The first part presents proofs of lemmas and propositions. The second part presents some additional robustness tests. The third part reports the results of analyses designed to reconcile our results with a prior empirical study on a closely related issue. The...
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I develop a dynamic capital structure model to examine how the nature of risk affects firm's debt policy. In the model, firm's fundamental risk, captured by its cash flow process, consists of transitory and persistent parts with markedly different dynamics. The model explains the observed...
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We argue that the prospect of an imperfect enforcement of debt contracts in default reduces shareholder-debtholder conflicts and induces leveraged firms to invest more and take on less risk as they approach financial distress. To test these predictions, we use a large panel of firms in 41...
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We develop a model of the joint capital structure decisions of banks and their borrowers. Strikingly high bank leverage emerges naturally from the interplay between two sets of forces. First, seniority and diversification reduce bank asset volatility by an order of magnitude relative to that of...
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