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Engel curve shifted down-especially in rural India- over the period 1993–2004. The puzzle for the longer period analysed by … capita household expenditure, across the expenditure scale, in 2004. In trying to resolve this puzzle, they are emphatic that … consumption-through both own and cross-price effects — is confirmed. Although calorieincome/ expenditure elasticities are large …
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framework, with food prices and expenditure (as a proxy for income) cast in a pivotal role. Based on different experiments … urban areas. Our results show consistently robust food price and expenditure effects. Besides, shifts in food price …
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requirements due to health improvements and lower activity levels in India, we develop an alternative explanation embedded in a … standard demand theory framework, with food price and expenditure effects and shifting food and expenditure elasticities. The … recent period (2004-2009). But there is also weakening of food price and expenditure elasticities over this period. Closer …
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towards welfare in terms of per capita expenditure. The focus is on household characteristics (size, composition, education … India in 1993 and 2004, we first review the changes in participation rates in farm and non-farm activities by gender, age …, education and caste affiliations. This is followed by an econometric analysis of contribution of farm and non-farm employment …
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, Indian policymakers planning for economic development concentrated largely on issues of capital, labour and, to a lesser … extent, technology. This paper argues that India’s demographic dividend with 65 per cent of the population in aged 15-24 in … 2012 is ideally suited to embark on a path of sustained high rate of economic growth for the foreseeable future if India …
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If public expenditure and public revenue are I(0) public debt is sustainable but if these are I(1) and not cointegrated … that India’s public debt is unsustainable. We re-investigate this issue by allowing for endogenous structural breaks for … two data sets - the British period 1871-1921 and the post independence period 1950-1997. Revenue and expenditure series …
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) developing countries have low tax/GDP and expenditure/GDP ratios compared to developed countries, even though developing … countries need more public expenditure; (ii) developing country fiscal stance is often pro-cyclical; (iii) developing country … problems arising therefrom in developing countries. I then discuss some widely accepted norms for tax and expenditure reforms …
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Business is increasingly seen by international aid agencies as a partner in development. Recommendation 21 of the … currently provides on its development contributions. The key finding is unsurprising: private sector reporting is oriented to … serve the needs of business, not that of the development community. The paper suggests ways in which corporate reporting …
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This article considers prospects for effective development partnership in Solomon Islands following the transition of … development assistance from the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands (RAMSI) to bilateral donors in 2013. It focuses on … development problems in Solomon Islands, will be important to the effectiveness of future support. …
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Upon implementing the Compact of Free Association between the United States and the Federated States of Micronesia, the US Congress unilaterally stripped tax and trade provisions that would have encouraged investment in the Federated States of Micronesia. I quantify what was lost to the...
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