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-year rolling programme. Expenditure needs to be controlled better, in particular as regards subsidies, which the central government … has indeed been trying to rein in, though with difficulty in the face of rising world oil prices. Expenditure also needs … to become more effective, in particular in the areas of health care, education and social assistance. On the revenue side …
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liberalisation; strengthening competition in markets for goods and services; education, research and innovation. Progress is also … document : la libéralisation du secteur financier ; renforcer la concurrence sur les marchés des biens et services ; l’éducation …
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responsive, high quality, vocational and higher education systems is indispensable to long-term growth. Raising the completion …
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students. Unemployment is high and the school-to-job transition process does not work well. Spending on education and active … disadvantaged pupils. Developing work-based vocational education would also facilitate the transition from school to work. This …>Investir efficacement dans l´éducation et dans les politiques actives du marché du travail en Slovaquie<BR>En Slovaquie, les résultats …
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Impressive progress has been made in raising participation in early childhood education as well as tertiary educational … high-income country, largely on account of high drop-out rates in lower secondary education which, in turn, reflect one of … are needed to reduce grade repetition and raise education outcomes, by improving accountability of schools and school …
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particular, India should aim for more formal jobs, as these tend to be the most secure and of highest productivity.<P>Défis et …
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renforcer les systemes de protection sociale et l'acces a la sante et a l'education pour que la poursuite de la croissance …In recent years, India has enjoyed one of the highest growth rates worldwide, weathering the global financial crisis …. Rapid economic development has boosted living standards and reduced poverty but poverty remains high. There is a need to …
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The strength of product market competition plays an important role in economic growth as it affects economic efficiency and the allocation of resources, and can also lead to improved labour market performance. This paper examines product market competition and economic performance in the...
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policy regime, including its various forms of support and border protection, and the new law that will take effect in 2014 … formes de soutien et de protection frontalière et la nouvelle loi qui entrera en vigueur en 2014 et procède à des …
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productivité relativement faible des entreprises locales témoigne probablement d’une certaine protection vis-à-vis de la …
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