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In a simple New Keynesian model, we derive a closed form solution for the inflationpersistence parameter as a function of the policy weights in the central bank’s Taylorrule. By estimating the time-varying weights that the FED attaches to inflationand the output gap, we show that the...
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This paper examines monetary policy in a currency union whose member countries exhibitheterogeneous rates of limited asset markets participation (LAMP). As a result risksharing among member countries is imperfect and the monetary transmission mechanismcan dier across countries. In the limit the...
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This paper extends and modifies the Keynesian critique of inflation targetingwith reference to stabilisation policy in emerging market economies. The IMF‘basic monetary programming framework’ for developing countries usesgovernment borrowing and the exchange rate as policy instruments in...
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Time consistency problems can arise when environmental taxes are employedto encourage firms to take irreversible abatement decisions. Setting a high carbontax, for instance, would induce firms to invest in low-carbon technology,yet once investment has occurred the government can then reduce the...
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The paper presents a monetary policy model with an endogenous capital stock when a backwardlooking element in wage setting causes inflation persistence. We analyse how the endogeneityof the capital stock changes the macroeconomic dynamics with which policy interacts and itsimplications for...
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This paper employs an augmented version of the UECCC GARCH specificationproposed in Conrad and Karanasos (2010) which allows for lagged in-mean effects,level effects as well as asymmetries in the conditional variances. In this unifiedframework we examine the twelve potential intertemporal...
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This paper employs the unrestricted extended constant conditional correlationGARCH specification proposed in Conrad and Karanasos (2008) to examine theintertemporal relationship between the uncertainties of in°ation and output growthin the US. We find that inflation uncertainty effects output...
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The economics literature is full of studies of monetary or currency unions ranging from the sterling area before 1914, to the Bretton Woods system later and the euro zone within the European Monetary Union today. A quick search in Econ-Lit returned over 10,000 entries among abstracts and...
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Die Frage nach der Kausalität fällt in die Methodologie. Methodologie ist in denWirtschaftswissenschaften ein Bereich, der sowohl bei Ökonomen als auch bei Philosophenkaum Beachtung findet. ....
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This paper presents a simple model of risk-averse banks that face uncer-tainty over funding conditions in the money market. It shows when increasedfunding uncertainty causes interest rates on loans and deposits to rise, whilebank lending and bank pro…tability fall. It also …nds that funding...
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