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This paper provides a theoretical and quantitative analysis of various types of wellknown employment subsidies. Two … important questions are addressed: (i) How should employment subsidies be targeted? (ii) How large should the subsidies be? We …) improve employment and welfare, (b) do not raise earnings inequality and (c) are self-financing. This criterion enables us to …
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people’s employment incentives and could achieve reductions in unemployment without reducing the level of support to the …
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This paper examines the interactions between employment and training policies. Their effectiveness in stimulating … income and employment may be interdependent for various important reasons. For example, the more employment policies … stimulate the employment rate, the greater the length of time over which workers use the human capital generated by training …
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We explore the far-reaching implications of low-wage subsidies on skill formation, aggregate employment and welfare …. Low-wage subsidies have three important effects. First, they promote employment of low-skilled workers (who tend to be the … reduce the incentive to become skilled. So they increase the low-skilled labor force which faces a relatively low employment …
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This paper examines the movements in EU unemployment from two perspectives: (a) the NRU/NAIRU perspective, in which unemployment movements are attributed largely to changes in the long-run equilibrium unemployment rate and (b) the chain-reaction perspective, in which unemployment movements are...
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This paper examines the labour market matching process by distinguishing its two component stages: the contact stage, in which job searchers make contact with employers and the selection stage, in which they decide whether to match. We construct a theoretical model explaining two-sided selection...
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