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This paper provides the first systematic study of how minimum wage policies in China affect firm employment over the … impact on employment, with an estimated elasticity of -0.1. Furthermore, we find a heterogeneous effect of the minimum wage … on employment which depends on the firm's wage level. Specifically, the minimum wage has a greater negative impact on …
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We examine the impact of uncertainty on employment dynamics. Alternative measures of uncertainty are constructed based … price index, and fuel prices. Our results indicate that greater uncertainty has a negative impact on growth of employment …-existent or weaker. Our results suggest that to truly understand the effects of uncertainty on employment dynamics, we need to …
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full Danish flexicurity set of policies (low employment protection, high unemployment benefits and workfare). Our results …
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employment. A two-country model is used to demonstrate that the open economy dimension can enhance the ability of sticky price … from domestic goods. This causes a temporary decline in domestic employment. If the expenditure-switching effect is …
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We explore the far-reaching implications of low-wage subsidies on skill formation, aggregate employment and welfare …. Low-wage subsidies have three important effects. First, they promote employment of low-skilled workers (who tend to be the … reduce the incentive to become skilled. So they increase the low-skilled labor force which faces a relatively low employment …
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