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This paper provides the first systematic study of how minimum wage policies in China affect firm employment over the … impact on employment, with an estimated elasticity of -0.1. Furthermore, we find a heterogeneous effect of the minimum wage … on employment which depends on the firm's wage level. Specifically, the minimum wage has a greater negative impact on …
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We examine the impact of uncertainty on employment dynamics. Alternative measures of uncertainty are constructed based … price index, and fuel prices. Our results indicate that greater uncertainty has a negative impact on growth of employment …-existent or weaker. Our results suggest that to truly understand the effects of uncertainty on employment dynamics, we need to …
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The development of production, prices and employment in the EU electrical industry between the mid-1970s and the mid … observed decline of the employment share of low-skilled workers. The direct effect of increased import competition on relative … employment seems to be small, except for the case of consumer electronics. Apparently, adjustment strategies induced by …
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This paper provides a theoretical and quantitative analysis of various types of wellknown employment subsidies. Two … important questions are addressed: (i) How should employment subsidies be targeted? (ii) How large should the subsidies be? We …) improve employment and welfare, (b) do not raise earnings inequality and (c) are self-financing. This criterion enables us to …
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people’s employment incentives and could achieve reductions in unemployment without reducing the level of support to the …
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This paper examines the interactions between employment and training policies. Their effectiveness in stimulating … income and employment may be interdependent for various important reasons. For example, the more employment policies … stimulate the employment rate, the greater the length of time over which workers use the human capital generated by training …
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Upon entry into the European Union, countries become members of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), with a derogation from adopting the euro as their currency (that is, each country joining the EU commits to replace its national currency with the euro, but can choose when to request...
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The key policy challenge for Turkey in the years ahead will be to enhance and consolidate the advances made since the nation’s 2000-01 economic crisis. Higher growth could reduce unemployment and raise living standards toward European Union levels. This paper reviews Turkey’s...
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This Selected Issues paper and Statistical Appendix deals with the issue of low growth in Algeria. A growth-accounting exercise indicates that negative total factor productivity growth explains Algeria’s low growth rates. This paper highlights the sources of this low growth that mainly...
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evolutionary reform of the industrial relations system. The paper reviews developments in employment, wages, and productivity in …
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