Showing 1 - 8 of 8
Introduction / Jacques Silber and Guanghua Wan -- 1. An Asian poverty line? issues and options / Stephan Klasen -- 2. A poverty line contingent on reference groups: implications for the extent of poverty in some Asian countries / Satya R. Chakravarty, Nachiketa Chattopadhyay, and Jacques Silber...
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Honoring Keith Griffin's more than 40 years of fundamental contributions to the discipline of economics, the papers in this volume reflect his deep commitment to advancing the well-being of the world's poor majority and his unflinching willingness to question conventional wisdom as to how this...
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This paper examines the relationships between economic growth, income distribution, and poverty for 17 Asian countries for the period 1981–2001. First, it investigates how much growth is required to offset the adverse effect of an increase in inequality on poverty. This trade-off between...
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Economic Growth and Distribution isolates and compares the logical structures and methodological underpinnings underlying the relationship between economic growth and distribution. It carries out an in-depth analysis of a wide range of issues connected with growth theory considered from...
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