Showing 1 - 10 of 561
I document that emerging markets have cast off their “original sin” – their external liabilitiesare no longer dominated by foreign-currency debt and have instead shifted sharply towardsdirect investment and portfolio equity. Their external assets are increasingly concentrated inforeign...
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We document the recent phenomenon of uphill flows of capital from nonindustrial toindustrial countries and analyze whether this pattern of capital flows has hurt growth innonindustrial economies that export capital. Surprisingly, we find that there is a positivecorrelation between current...
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In theory, one of the main benefits of financial globalization is that it should allow for moreefficient international risk sharing. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive empiricalevaluation of the patterns of risk sharing among different groups of countries and examinehow international...
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Examines Asia's emerging markets, which survived the financial debacle of 2008-09 with only modest declines in growth; discusses activities that could dampen continuing development in these markets including inflation, surging capital inflows, asset and credit bubbles, and rapid currency...
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In the wake of the global financial crisis that began in 2008, this book offers a systematic overview of recent developments in regulatory frameworks in advanced and emerging-market countries, outlining challenges to improving regulation, markets, and access in developing economies. - Provided...
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Dieser Bericht untersucht die möglichen Beschäftiungseffekte und fiskalischenEffekte des von Peter Bofinger und Ulrich Walwei vorgeschlagenen Konzepts zurFörderung Existenz sichernder Beschäftigung. Die Arbeiten wurden in engerKoordination mit dem Auftraggeber, dem Bundesministerium der...
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Mit der Hartz-Reform wurde die Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland in allen Bereicheneiner grundlegenden Revision unterzogen. Nach vorbereitenden Arbeiten der Hartz-Kommission wurde eine Reihe von „Gesetzen für moderne Dienstleistungen amArbeitsmarkt“ (kurz: Hartz I-IV) verabschiedet, die...
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Based on a German representative sample of employees we explore the relevance anddevelopment of further training in private sector firms. We focus on formal training andexplore possible individual and job-based determinants of its incidence. We also showchanges over time during a 20 year...
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