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After decades using monetary aggregates as the main instrument of monetary policy and having different varieties of crawling peg exchange rate regimes, Colombia adopted a full-fledged inflation-targeting (IT) regime in 1999, with inflation as the nominal anchor, a floating exchange rate, and the...
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Las monedas locales de los países en vías de desarrollo, además de no ser librementeconvertibles a nivel internacional, suelen experimentar niveles de inflación superiores ymás volátiles, al tiempo que tienden a sufrir periodos de fuerte apreciación y depreciación.Estas bien conocidas...
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La crisis financiera internacional entre 2007 y 2009 causó grandes y a la vez bruscos movimientos de capitales entre economías avanzadas y emergentes, que fueron acompañados por cambios de similares características en los precios de los activos de éstas últimas, lo que se convirtió en un...
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The role of the exchange rate and the exchange rate regime in the monetary policy decision-making process in Colombia is described. The rationale for the intervention of the Central Bank in the FX market is explained and the experience in this regard is reviewed. Special attention is given to...
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Since beginning economic transition, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia have—with much success—employed diverse exchange rate regimes. As these countries approach EU accession, they will need to avoid the perils of too much or too little exchange rate variability when...
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Large value payment flows can be disrupted by several types of failures such as operational incidents, problems experienced by the administrator of the payments settlement system, outages in the communications networks and the inability of a participant to submit payments due to insufficient...
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We identify interbank (i.e. non-collateralized) loans from the Colombian large-value payment system by implementing Furfine’s method. After identifying interbank loans from transactional data we obtain the interbank rates and claims without relying on financial institutions’ reported data....
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En este trabajo se utilizan tasas marginales de interés, tasas de cambio forwards y encuestassobre expectativas de devaluación con el fin de verificar las hipótesis de paridad cubierta(PC) y no cubierta (PNC) de las tasas de interés en Colombia en el período 2000-2007. Seencuentra evidencia...
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Este documento resume las principales conclusiones del ejercicio realizado con el objetivo de analizar la forma cómo algunos países emergentes, con diversos esquemas de política monetaria, manejan su política cambiaria. La pregunta que suscitó este análisis fue: ¿Cómo han logrado los...
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The Colombian economy experienced several shocks in the past ten years. The permanent fall of inflation, the adoption of inflation targeting (IT) and a financial crisis altered the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. Low inflation and IT reduced inflation persistence and contributed to...
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