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This paper assesses the foreign aid-led growth hypothesis in a panel of West African countries using panel cointegration techniques ( Pendroni Residual Cointegration Test, Error Correction Model, Johansen Fisher Panel Cointegration Test) and then on a country-by-country basis using time series...
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This paper investigates the convergence of wage and salary disbursements per job and compensation of employees per job for fifty one states in the United States for the period 1990 and 2010. Additionally, this paper examines the relationship between the wage and salary disbursements per job and...
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From 1995-2007, worldwide tourist arrivals increased about 68.2 percent (or an average annual growth rate of about 5.2 percent) from 534 million to 898 million (UNWTO, 2008). Over the same period, Latin America countries (Central and South America) have experienced a rise in tourist arrivals...
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Assuming nothing is done to address greenhouse gas emissions, sea levels across the world are anticipated to rise by between 0.2m and 1m over this century. Higher sea levels can be particularly devastating to small states. It is expected that rising sea levels will result in coastal squeezing...
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Over the decade of the 1990s, Africa has experienced a rise in tourist arrivals from 8.4 million to 10.6 million and receipts growth from $2.3 billion to $3.7 billion, respectively. According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO, 2006), the tourism industry in Sub-Saharan Africa enjoyed a...
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This study empirically examines on the role of international trade on economic growth in Mexico. To allow for potentially dynamic, as well as endogenous, patterns often associated with exports, imports, and growth, the analysis relies upon time series approaches involving causality and vector...
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Tourism is the major domestic export for many countries in the Caribbean region. Given this, the variables which influence tourism demand in this region, as well as accurate forecasts, can assist policy makers in their planning efforts and growth strategies. This study utilizes error correction...
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This brief note was prepared for the State Planning Board of Kerala in India in response to a question on how to double Kerala’s net state domestic product in three years and on its implications for investment and its financing. We show that this ambition lies in the realm of impossibles.
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During the last twenty years Macedonian economy experienced numerous internal and external shocks from economic and political nature. Current world economic crisis is the last shock. However, the economy always showed latent power and possibilities of getting out of such shocks. It was a sign...
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Previous research has found a negative effect of corruption on growth in the United States. However, some theory suggests corruption might have a positive impact in places with dysfunctional political institutions. This paper investigates whether the corruption-growth link is conditional on the...
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