Showing 1 - 10 of 119
In this paper we expanded the closed economy model by Bernanke and Gertler (1999) in order to account for the macroeconomic effects of an asset price bubble in the context of a small open economy model. During the nineties emerging market economies opened their financial accounts to foreign...
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This paper investigates the possible responses of an inflation-targeting monetary policy in the face of asset price deviations from fundamental values. Focusing on the housing sector of the Colombian economy, we consider a general equilibrium model with frictions in credit market and bubbles in...
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The objective of this paper is to analyze how international cycles affect the real GDPcycle and so monetary policy decisions in Colombia. We estimate that cycles in worldGDP, export prices and capital inflows are strongly associated with the Colombianbusiness cycle both on impact and even during...
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After decades using monetary aggregates as the main instrument of monetary policy and having different varieties of crawling peg exchange rate regimes, Colombia adopted a full-fledged inflation-targeting (IT) regime in 1999, with inflation as the nominal anchor, a floating exchange rate, and the...
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In this document we lay out the microeconomic foundations of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model designed to forecast and to advice monetary policy authorities in Colombia. The model is called Policy Analysis Tool Applied to Colombian Needs (PATACON). In companion documents we present...
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In this paper we investigate the impact of rapid credit growth on ex ante credit risk. We present micro-econometric evidence of the positive relationship between rapid credit growth and deterioration in lending portfolios: Loans granted during boom periods have higher probability of default than...
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En este documento se hace una evaluación tanto de las fortalezas de la economía colombiana que contribuirían a la sostenibilidad actual del crecimiento, como de los factores de riesgo y vulnerabilidades que podrían afectarlo negativamente. Con este propósito se compara el desempeño...
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This paper analyses the role of a costly financial system in the transmission of monetarypolicy. The new-keynesian model for a small open economy is extended with asimple financial system based in Hamann and Oviedo (2006). The presence of the financialintermediation naturally allows the...
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Using Bayesian estimation techniques, we estimate a small open economyDSGE model with credit-market imperfections for the Colombian economy. Us-ing the estimated model we investigate what are the sources of business cycle°uctuations. We show that balance-sheet e®ects play an important role in...
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Bajo un régimen No-Ricardiano o de dominancia fiscal, el banco central pierdeautonomía en el control de la inflación, especialmente en circunstancias deinsostenibilidad de las finanzas públicas. En este trabajo se evalúa la presencia de unrégimen de esta naturaleza en la economía...
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