Showing 41 - 50 of 74
This paper investigates the possible responses of an inflation-targeting monetary policy in the face of asset price deviations from fundamental values. Focusing on the housing sector of the Colombian economy, we consider a general equilibrium model with frictions in credit market and bubbles in...
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A threefold analysis of commodity prices is carried out to observe their long-runbehaviour, their short-run properties and the main determinants. According to theevidence, the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis does not seem to be a property of mostprices. The cycles of commodity prices are asymmetric...
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This article analyzes identification problems that may arise while linearizing and solving DSGE models. A criterion is proposed to determine whether or not a set of parameters is partially identifiable, in the sense of Canova and Sala (2009), based on the computation of a basis for the null...
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Este trabajo pretende determinar qué conjunto de rigideces nominales y reales se debe incluir en un modelo DSGE para replicar la dinámica de las variables agregadas de la economía colombiana. Con este fin, se estiman varios modelos DSGE con distintas combinaciones de rigideces nominales y...
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Este documento evalúa el grado de transmisión de corto y largo plazo sobre la inflación de los bienes importados de un choque a la depreciación del peso colombiano cuando se controla por el ciclo económico. Encontramos que la transmisión es mayor cuando la perturbación ocurre en un...
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The purpose of this study is twofold: First, it provides an empirical characterization of fiscal policy in Colombia over the last decades, by assessing the three most relevant macroeconomic factors: the behavior of fiscal policy over the business cycle; whether it has been coherent with the...
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En este documento se caracteriza la política fiscal en Colombia a partir de la valoración de los tres aspectos más relevantes desde la perspectiva macroeconómica: su posición frente al ciclo, su volatilidad y la sostenibilidad de la deuda. Los resultados encontrados se comparan a nivel...
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This paper reviews the relationship between the business cycle and public finances in Colombia. The evidence shows that cyclical movements in output systematically affect the situation of public finances. Hence, the distinction between the cyclical and permanent (i.e. structural) components of...
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Using Bayesian estimation techniques, we estimate a small open economyDSGE model with credit-market imperfections for the Colombian economy. Us-ing the estimated model we investigate what are the sources of business cycle°uctuations. We show that balance-sheet e®ects play an important role in...
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Bajo un régimen No-Ricardiano o de dominancia fiscal, el banco central pierdeautonomía en el control de la inflación, especialmente en circunstancias deinsostenibilidad de las finanzas públicas. En este trabajo se evalúa la presencia de unrégimen de esta naturaleza en la economía...
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