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This paper analyses the role of a costly financial system in the transmission of monetarypolicy. The new-keynesian model for a small open economy is extended with asimple financial system based in Hamann and Oviedo (2006). The presence of the financialintermediation naturally allows the...
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La evidencia empírica para Colombia muestra relaciones tanto positivas como negativas entre el crecimiento del producto y empleo, a diferencia de lo encontrado en economías desarrolladas como la de los Estados Unidos. El presente trabajo usa modelos VAR y de Equilibrio General Dinámico y...
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The objective of this paper is to analyze how international cycles affect the real GDPcycle and so monetary policy decisions in Colombia. We estimate that cycles in worldGDP, export prices and capital inflows are strongly associated with the Colombianbusiness cycle both on impact and even during...
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In this document we lay out the microeconomic foundations of a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model designed to forecast and to advice monetary policy authorities in Colombia. The model is called Policy Analysis Tool Applied to Colombian Needs (PATACON). In companion documents we present...
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Empleando un modelo de equilibrio general dinámico y estocástico para una economía pequeña y abierta con imperfecciones y rigideces en el sector no transable calibrado para Colombia, se estudia la conveniencia de que la autoridad monetaria fije como medida de inflación objetivo en su...
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La reciente crisis financiera internacional volvió a dar relevancia a la formación de ciertos desbalances macroeconómicos que pueden aumentar las vulnerabilidades de una economía frente a choques adversos. En el caso de las economías emergentes, flujos elevados de capital podrían exacerbar...
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En este documento se utiliza la metodología FAVAR (factor augmented VAR) para evaluar el impacto de variaciones no esperadas en cuatro variables internacionales: las tasas de interés de corto plazo, el riesgo, el precio real del petróleo, el café y el carbón, y la actividad económica...
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In this paper two new measures of the Colombian output gap and the real neutral interest rate are proposed. Instead of relying only on statistical filters, the proposed measures use semi-structural New-Keynesian models, adapted for a small open economy. The output gap measures presented are in...
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In this paper, we propose an alternative methodology to determine the existence of credit booms, which is a complex and crucial issue for policymakers. In particular, we exploit the Mendoza and Terrones (2008)´s idea that macroeconomic aggregates other than the credit growth rate contain...
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We study financial crises in a small open production economy subject to credit constraint and uncertainty on the value of debt repayments. We find that the possibility of reducing the severity of future crises encourages the central planner (CP) to increase both the crisis frequency and current...
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