Showing 1 - 10 of 77
En este trabajo se cuantifica el contenido informativo de los Índices de Confianza utilizados por el Banco de la República en la elaboración de su Informe sobre Inflación. Se estudian las frecuencias a las que ocurren sus variaciones y se comparan con las frecuencias de medidas similares de...
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This paper investigates the possible responses of an inflation-targeting monetary policy in the face of asset price deviations from fundamental values. Focusing on the housing sector of the Colombian economy, we consider a general equilibrium model with frictions in credit market and bubbles in...
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In this paper we study the effect of monetary policy shocks on commodity prices. While most of the literature has found that expansionary shocks have a positive effect on aggregate price indices, we study the effect on individual prices of a sample of four commodities. This set of commodity...
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This work analyzes the relationship between real interest rates and commodity prices. According to Frankel´s hypothesis (1986-2006): low real interest rates lead to high real commodity prices". However, some empirical evidence suggests that commodity prices can predict monetary policy. In this...
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The sudden collapse of oil prices poses a challenge to inflation targeting central banks in oil exporting economies. This paper illustrates that challenge and conducts a quantitative assessment of the impact of permanent changes in oil prices in a small and open economy, in which oil represents...
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The assessment of inflationary pressures in Colombia has faced two important challenges inthe present decade. The …rst one occurred in 2006 and consisted of detecting an overheatingeconomy in the midst of fast growing investment and increasing measured productivity. Thesecond challenge took...
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La literatura referente a los modelos de inflación y política monetaria anti-inflacionaria del tipo denominado Inflation Targeting" (IT) ha reforzado una opinión popular: que la inflación tiene poca o ninguna relación con el aumento de la cantidad de dinero. Esta opinión es contraria a una...
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En este trabajo se analiza la respuesta dinámica de los precios de los bienes básicos más relevantes para la evolución de la inflación en Colombia ante choques en un conjunto de sus determinantes. El documento está basado en modelos VAR estructurales en los cuales los choques exógenos son...
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En este artículo se propone un método numérico para la calibración de un modelode equilibrio general dinámico y estocástico (DSGE). Esencialmente, éste consisteen utilizar un algoritmo híbrido de optimización, primero para encontrar un estadoestacionario del modelo, y luego para...
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This paper analyzes the evolution and impact of capital flows in Colombia over the pastfive years. An examination of the nature and composition of the capital flows indicatesthat to large extent they have originated in foreign direct investment, especially in theoil and mining sectors. The...
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