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We link a new UK management survey covering 8,000 firms to panel data on productivity in manufacturing and services …. There is a large variation in management practices, which are highly correlated with productivity, profitability and size …
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This paper, which introduces the special issue on corporate governance co-sponsored by the Review of Financial Studies and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), reviews and comments on the state of corporate governance research. The special issue features seven papers on corporate...
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We use an innovative methodology to measure management practices in over 300 manufacturing firms in the UK. We then … match this management data to production and energy usage information for establishments owned by these firms. We find that … relation to other factor inputs. This is quantitatively substantial: going from the 25th to the 75th percentile of management …
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We use an innovative survey tool to collect management practice data from 732 medium sized manufacturing firms in the …-level productivity, profitability, Tobin's Q, sales growth and survival rates. Management practices also display significant cross … tail of extremely badly managed firms. We find that poor management practices are more prevalent when (a) product market …
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We collect data on operations, targets and human resources management practices in over 1,800 schools educating 15-year …-olds in eight countries. Overall, we show that higher management quality is strongly associated with better educational … outcomes. The UK, Sweden, Canada and the US obtain the highest management scores closely followed by Germany, with a gap to …
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-cycle patterns for firm growth. These theories include organizational capital accumulation and management practices, financial … organization and innovation. Second, among theories we analyze, organizational capital and management practices are the most …
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promoted management training trips for European managers at US firms. Through the analysis of reports compiled by UK, France … increase thanks to the program. The fact that European businesses were not forced to adopt the American management model, but …
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Klappentext: Neue Modelle für eine regenerative enkelfähige Wirtschaft gibt es bereits. Das ist die gute Nachricht. Impact Economy bedeutet, eine Wirtschaft zu gestalten, in der es nicht um Gewinnen oder Verlieren geht, sondern darum, möglichst lange mitzuspielen. Die planetaren Grenzen...
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