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This paper presents a general test of contagion in financial markets based on bivariate correlation analysis � a test … that can be interpreted as an extension of the normal correlation theorem. Contagion is defined as a structural break in … hypothesis of 'no contagion' can be rejected only if the variance of country specific shocks is set to levels that are not …
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shocks. We first review the different definitions and measures of contagion used in the literature. We then use a simple … multi-country asset pricing model to cast the main elements of the current debate on contagion and provide a stylized … classification, we survey the results obtained in the empirical literature on contagion. …
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distress and contagion are also confirmed by many recent empirical studies. By contrast, according to empirical analyses, the …
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contagion over but these measures become less effective when the shock is very large, when the situation is best addressed by …
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contagion. Our analysis includes indicators of domestic and external imbalances which were mostly disregarded by previous … creditworthiness of a sovereign borrower (wake-up-call contagion) and behaviour not linked to fundamentals (pure contagion). We find … evidence of wake-up-call contagion but not of pure contagion. …
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More than three years since the outbreak of the sovereign debt crisis in the euro area the banking systems of several countries remain exposed to the vagaries of government bond markets. The paper analyzes the different channels through which sovereign risk affects banking risk (and vice versa),...
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This paper considers the problem of testing for the presence of stochastic trends in multivariate time series with structural breaks. The breakpoints are assumed to be known. The testing framework is the multivariate Locally Best Invariant test and the common trend test of Nyblom and Harvey.
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This paper studies the transmission of monetary policy shocks from the US to the euro-area using a two-country structural VAR with no exogeneity assumption. The analysis reveals the following results. First, in response to an unexpected increase in the Federal funds rate, the euro immediately...
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This paper deals with the usefulness of several measures of financial spreads (the slope of the yield curve, the reverse yield gap, the credit quality spread) for fore-casting real economic activity and inflation in the euro area. A quarterly Bayesian vector autoregression model is used to...
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This paper investigates possible non-linearities in the response of bank lending to monetary policy shocks in the euro area. The credit market is modelled over the period 1985-2005 by means of an Asymmetric Vector Error Correction Model (AVECM) involving four endogenous variables (loans to the...
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