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This paper presents an endogenous growth model with intertemporally dependent preferences and "Ak" technology. We … derive sufficient conditions for a balanced growth path to be an equilibrium, provide a full characterization of the … equilibrium dynamics of the economy, and explore the implications of habit formation for the patterns of cross-country growth and …
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This paper presents an endogenous growth models with intertemporally dependent preferences and "Ak" technology. We … derive sufficient conditions for a balanced growth path to be an equilibrium, provide a full characterization of the … equilibrium dynamics of the economy, and explore the implications of habit formation for the patterns of cross-country growth and …
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This paper analyzes the macroeconomic effects on the U.S. economy of news about oil supply by estimating a VAR. Information contained in daily quotations of oil futures contracts is exploited to estimate the dynamic path of oil prices following a shock. Hence, differently from the VAR literature...
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By allowing median voter�s location and preferred policy to change over time, a variety of redistributive policies results in the long-run with no unique relationship to inequality. Single outcome depends on the interaction between the pure economic structure and policy action in...
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that links the growth of capital stock to value added for both the euro-area countries and the Anglo-Saxon countries. This …
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We evaluate the macroeconomic effects of shocks specific to the oil market, which mainly reflect fluctuations in precautionary demand for oil driven by uncertainty about future supplies. A two-stage identification procedure is used. First, daily changes in the futures-spot spread proxy for...
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time. To this end we propose a general equilibrium model that delivers two structural relations. On the one hand, the … vested interests across sectors determines public policy decisions. The model predicts that different initial sectoral …
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growth performance directly or indirectly through the above exogenous shocks. The focus, mostly but not exclusively … economic growth. …
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differences. We then study the relationship between productivity growth at the sectoral level and size structure. We find a … positive and robust association between average firm size and growth. Asking why size should matter for growth, we consider the … role of innovative activity, to construct a test based on the differential effect of size on growth according to various …
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results indicate that lower service regulation translates into faster value added, productivity, and export growth of … downstream service-intensive industries. The negative growth-effect of anti-competitive regulation is particularly relevant in …
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