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This paper proposes a monetary policy game based on a microfounded general equilibrium model. The approach allows some key features of the policy game to be related to basic technological and preference parameters. Moreover, it shows how results are affected by the presence of non-atomistic...
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The empirical literature on the transmission of monetary policy to inflation in Italy has stressed the importance of … the exchange rate and, to some extent, of the demand channel; recently, the roles of inflation expectations and the fiscal … situation have been emphasized. This paper uses vector auto-regression to address this issue. The results suggest that inflation …
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level, after controlling for inflation expectations, and whether it is concentrated among those firms that are more exposed …
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useful role emerges for the unit labour cost indicator, which contains information on potential output that helps to reduce … the volatility of the output gap. Finally, the estimated weights for the objectives of monetary policy show that … considerable importance is attributed to interest-rate smoothing, greater than to output gap stabilization. This finding indicates …
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in output and inflation are due to changes in potential output or to cyclical demand and cost shocks. We refer to this … during and following periods of large changes in potential output the IP significantly affects the dynamics of inflation and … loose (restrictive) for some time when there is a large decrease (increase) in potential output in comparison with a full …
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Price versus productivity indexing is considered in a model of monetary policy with wage bargaining. The wage-indexing rule is negotiated in a first stage of the game between government, union and firm.
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Generalized Dynamic Factor Model to derive a set of core inflation indicators that, combining national with area-wide data, allow …-wide inflation once the information contained in area-wide data has been exploited, and whether it is useful, in order to track ECB …
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