Showing 1 - 10 of 46
This study examines price setting behaviour of Italian firms on the basis of the results of a survey conducted by Banca d�Italia in early 2003 on a sample of around 350 firms belonging to all economic sectors. Prices are mostly fixed following standard mark-up rules, although...
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This paper investigates the microeconomic behaviour of consumer prices in Italy using the individual price records underlying the Italian CPI dataset collected by Istat. We discuss how to analyse price stickiness using such a detailed database and compute a quantitative measure of the...
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We assemble an original panel of 2,500 restaurant prices in Italy over the period 1998-2004 to study whether, and through which channels, the introduction of euro coins and banknotes had an impact on individual pricing behaviour. We reach three conclusions. Firstly, the evidence suggest that the...
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In this paper we analyse the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices, which plays a key role in conduct of monetary policy in the euro area. Knowledge of the characteristics of the short-term evolution of consumer prices for each country and for their average is important for better monitoring and...
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This paper investigates the relationship between exchange rate fluctuations and the investment decisions of a sample of Italian manufacturing firms. The results support the view that a depreciation of the exchange rate has a positive effect on investment through the revenue channel, and a...
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We investigate whether the completion of the Single Market Programme has enhanced competition on the product markets across European countries, taking into account the companion structural reforms undertaken by the member countries, particularly in the labour market and the institutional setting...
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In dynamic panel data models, which are particularly well-suited to cross-country analysis, the Mean Group estimator (Pesaran and Smith, 1995) is under certain quite strong conditions consistent, but theoretical and empirical evidence indicates that it can be biased when the number of time...
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Aim of this article is to judge the empirical performance of 'ARCH models as diffusion approximations' of models of the short-term rate with stochastic volatility. Our estimation strategy is based both on moment conditions needed to guarantee the convergence of the discrete time models and on...
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The Exponential Power Distribution (EPD), also known as Generalized Error Distribution (GED), is a flexible symmetrical unimodal family belonging to the exponential family. The EPD becomes the density function of a range of symmetric distributions with different values of its power parameter B....
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Unit roots in output, an exponential 2 per cent rate of convergence and no change in the underlying dynamics of output seem to be three stylized facts that cannot go together. This paper extends the Solow-Swan growth model allowing for cross-sectional heterogeneity. In this framework, aggregate...
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