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The purpose of this paper is to estimate elasticities of scale in the demand for money by firms using firm level panel …
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This paper falls under the literature on weighted monetary aggregates that seeks to relax the assumption of perfect substitutability of assets implicit in the use of traditional monetary aggregates. Specifically, using the methodology recently proposed by Feldstein and Stock, an estimation is...
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We examine the role of money in three environments: the New Keynesian model with separable utility and static money …. The last two variants imply forward-looking behavior of real money balances, with forecasts of future interest rates … estimates confirm the forward-looking character of money demand. A consequence is that real money balances are valuable in …
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provide a cash-and-credit model in which the use of money exhibits some persistence because individuals can establish long …
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This paper analyses euro area non-financial corporations (NFCs) money demand, both from a macro and a microeconomic … point of view. At a macro level, money holdings are modelled as a function of real gross added value, the price level, the … stock of NFCs. The results indicate that NFCs money holdings adjust quickly when deviations from their long-run level are …
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This paper investigates the empirical determinants of corporate cash holdings in the euro area as a function of firm …. More specifically, liquid assets for smaller firms in the euro area are more strongly linked to firm cash flow and its … variability than cash holdings for larger firms, possibly as a result of their more restricted access to external funds and the …
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We propose an econometric analysis of the evolution of bank credit to the private sector in order to describe credit cycles and identify phases of particularly low (or negative) credit growth such as those that typically accompany financial or banking crises. We use a sample of twelve developed...
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Using information of the balance sheets of Spanish banks between 1995 and 2009, we estimate the average impact of current and anticipated changes in banks’ capital on firm lending. We isolate the role of credit supply factors using the variation in capital growth associated to the...
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This paper estimates a single-equation model to analyse the main explanatory factors behind changes in Spanish household credit, considering that the behaviour of its determinants is exogenous. According to the evidence reported, household borrowing is determined in the long run by real...
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