Showing 21 - 30 of 79
Colombia experienced a deep recession in 1999-2003. Growth slowed by 4.2%, and investment by 34.6%. Was the severity of the recession due to a financial accelerator mechanism á la Bernanke, Gertler, and Gilchrist (1999)? To answer this question, this paper estimates a dynamic stochastic general...
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Using Bayesian estimation techniques, we estimate a small open economy DSGE model with credit-market imperfections for the Colombian economy. Using the estimated model we investigate what are the sources of business cycle fluctuations. We show that balance-sheet effects play an important role in...
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An application of Bayesian Model Averaging, BMA, is implemented to construct combined forecasts for the colombian inflation for the short and medium run. A model selection algorithm is applied over a set of linear models with a large dataset of potencial predictors using marginal as well as...
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This article analyzes identification problems that may arise while linearizing and solving DSGE models. A criterion is proposed to determine whether or not a set of parameters is partially identifiable, in the sense of Canova and Sala (2009), based on the computation of a basis for the null...
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En el presente trabajo se muestra evidencia para rechazar la Hipótesis de Mercado Eficiente (HME) a través de la anomalía efecto día (day effect). Se utilizan dos aproximaciones: la primera, bajo el supuesto de normalidad, estima un modelo lineal que corrobora los hallazgos de estudios...
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We use a dynamic factor model proposed by Stock and Watson [1998, 1999, 2002a,b] to forecast Colombian inflation. The model includes 92 monthly series observed over the period 1999:01-2008:06. The results show that for short-run horizons, factor model forecasts significantly outperformed the...
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En este documento se estima una medida de compensación inflacionaria (Break Even Inflation) usando los rendimientos de los TES en pesos y de los TES indexados a la UVR para el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2003 y noviembre de 2009. Esta medida se descompone en expectativas de inflación y...
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This paper extends the asymptotic results of the dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) cointegration vector estimator of Mark and Sul (2003) to a three-dimensional panel. We use a balanced panel of N and M lengths observed over T time periods. The cointegration vector is homogenous across...
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Este documento utiliza la metodología de Melo et al. (2003) para la actualización de la descomposición del Break Even Inflation (BEI) presentado en Melo y Granados (2010) cuando se dispone de nuevas observaciones. El procedimiento de actualización utiliza una transformación del modelo de...
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Este documento combina estimaciones de ocho metodologías de la brecha del producto colombiano para el período comprendido entre el primer trimestre de 1994 y el tercer trimestre de 2012. A partir de modelos VAR que incluyen las diferentes brechas y la inflación se construyen las densidades...
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