Showing 1 - 10 of 146
En el presente trabajo se realiza un análisis de estática comparativa relacionado con la cuantificación de la contribución de las distintas fuentes de liquidez que utilizan las entidades financieras en Colombia para cumplir (liquidar) sus obligaciones en el sistema de pagos de alto valor...
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La acentuada preferencia de la población por efectivo para realizar sus compras ha motivado diversos estudios con el propósito de establecer cuáles son los principales determinantes de las decisiones de los agentes sobre los instrumentos de pago que usan en sus transacciones. Este documento...
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The effects of the Pension Fund Managers (PFMs) behavior on the foreign exchange market may be important, given the increasing size of their portfolio and their possible market power. Some authors argue that when big investors like PFMs trade large volumes in the foreign exchange market, they...
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I build a general equilibrium financial accelerator model that incorporates an explicit technology for the intermediary sector. A credit multiplier emerges because of a borrowing constraint that is a function of asset prices, internal funds and lending rates. With this financial friction I show...
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This paper identifies the main bank specific determinants of time to failure during the financial crisis in Colombia using duration analysis. Using partial likelihood estimation, it shows that the process of failure of financial institutions during that period was not a merely random process;...
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This study presents an alternative way of estimating credit transition matrices using a hazard function model. The model is useful both for testing the validity of the Markovian assumption, frequently made in credit rating applications, and also for estimating transition matrices conditioning on...
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This paper estimates transition matrices for the ratings on financial insti-tutions, using an unusually informative data set. We show that the process of rating migration exhibits significant non-Markovian behavior, in the sense that the transition intensities are affected by macroeconomic and...
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The financial crisis of the late 2000's highlighted the importance of strengthening risk management systems in financial markets. Consequently, an increasing interest in strategies to quantify risk under extreme scenarios has spawned. One of such techniques is CrashMetrics, a methodology for...
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En este artículo se analizan los principales determinantes de la rentabilidad de los bancos comerciales en Colombia durante el período comprendido entre enero de 2000 y mayo de 2007. Se estiman los efectos de los movimientos en la tasa de cambio peso dólar sobre dicha rentabilidad, tanto en...
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A partir de un esquema de oferta y demanda de dinero se estimó un modelo de relaciones de corto y largo plazo entre cinco variables:base monetaria, dinero (M1), tasa de interés, producto y nivel de precios al consumidor (cifras trimestrales desde 1984:I hasta 2003:IV).El modelo es del tipo...
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