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This paper explores the effects of tariff reduction on macroeconomic indicators and sectoral output in Bangladesh using …
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This paper develops a framework to analyse the determinants of the long term growth rate of Bangladesh. It is based on … Bangladesh, until the 1990s was primarily due to factor accumulation. Since then, however, TFP has made a small positive … effect. Using our results on the determinants of TFP we examine policy options to double per capita income of Bangladesh in …
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Despite the current enthusiasms in applying the concept of microfinance as a poverty alleviation tool in many countries, the risk management aspects of microfinancing should not be overlooked. This paper highlights several incidences of default risks in microfinance and subsequently, provides a...
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demand for money for Bangladesh. We have used the Gregory and Hansen framework and found that there was an intercept shift … and a well- determined and stable demand for money in Bangladesh exists. …
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This paper examines the economic effects of removing tariffs in Bangladesh using a computable general equilibrium (CGE …
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companies of Bangladesh.The sample for the study consists of 268 companies listed on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and the … collecting data relating to corporate reporting on the Internet. The study shows that web-based corporate reporting in Bangladesh … of literature on on-line corporate reporting studies by exploring on-line corporate reporting practices of Bangladesh. …
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-- of the ongoing urbanization in Bangladesh. Like many other Asian developing countries, a rapidly increasing share of the … population of Bangladesh migrates to urban centers in search for employment opportunities outside agriculture in industrial … patterns of urbanization in Bangladesh within a dynamic dual-dual framework with a strong emphasis on rural-urban migration and …
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This paper presents education finance trends for Bangladesh since 2000. It shows that while government spending on …. Despite these increases, per student spending on education in Bangladesh remains low compared to other countries in the region …
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This paper develops a framework to analyse the determinants of the long term growth rate of Bangladesh. It is based on … Bangladesh, until 1990, was due to factor accumulation. Since then, however, TFP made a small positive contribution to growth. An … the loss of skilled labour force. Using these results policy options, to double per capita income of Bangladesh in about …
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–17 years using data from a survey based in rural Bangladesh. This paper first looks at school attendance as an indicator of a … Bangladesh. The results of this study further show that the effect of household permanent income, parental education and presence …
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