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This paper examines the effect of asset price volatility on fiscal policy stance. We find that asset price volatility affects the volatility of discretionary fiscal policy in a positive and significant manner, which according to Fatas and Mihov (2003) has negative repercussions on output...
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This paper uses a Dynamic General Equilibrium model that incorporates a detailed fiscal policy structure to examine how changes in the tax mix influence economic activity and welfare in the Greek economy. The results suggest that tax reforms that reduce the labour and capital income tax rates...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el impacto que la entrada de inmigrantes tendrá sobre las cuentas de las Administraciones Públicas andaluzas y sobre la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de las actuales políticas de gasto público en Andalucía. Para ello, realizamos diferentes simulaciones...
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In this paper we re-examine the long-run sustainability of budget deficits, when fiscal policy is conducted as a nonlinear process. Our empirical methodology makes use of recent developments on threshold cointegration that consider the possibility of a nonlinear relationship between government...
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We incorporate an uncoordinated redistributive struggle for extra fiscal privileges and favors into an otherwise standard dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model. Our aim is to quantify the extent of rent seeking and its macroeconomic implications. The model is calibrated to Greek quarterly...
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This paper presents two versions of an applied general equilibrium model for the regional economy of Andalusia, Spain, that differ in the Public Sector behavior. We intend to exemplify the use of a model with these characteristics to analyze the impact that the reform of the personal income tax...
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This paper estimates a fiscal policy reaction function in order to investigate the links between financial and real estate market movements and fiscal policy outcomes. An increase in asset prices affects in a positive and significant manner primary balances, with the response reflecting both an...
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This paper investigates the widely held view that expansionary fiscal policy can boost consumer and business confidence, which will stimulate private spending and sustain economic activity. We find evidence in favor of this conjecture, i.e., cuts in direct taxes generate a positive effect on...
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This paper explores the effects of several fiscal variables on regional economic growth in Spain over period 1965-1997. Panel estimates are provided for this sample. The results show that public consumption affects negatively growth, public investment exerts a positive (but non significant)...
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Recent literature stresses the multidimensional nature of income distribution. Two of the most relevant components are inequality and polarization. In this paper, we prove the impossibility of keeping simultaneously constant these two aspects whenever the distribution of incomes changes....
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