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The correlation matrix between break-even inflation rate movements and real interest rate movements across several countries shows puzzling features. Correlation is significantly positive for nearly all cross-border pairs whereas it is nil, positive or negative unsystematically within countries....
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It is generally assumed that the two Fisher components of the interest rate -the real interest and the inflation- evolve independently over time, considering that they are driven by unrelated economical events. However, the market pricing of those components deduced from newly-available bond...
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The inflation and the real yield component deduced from inflation-linked and nominal bond prices are adversely affected by two market effects: price distortions due to certain market-related events and oil price movements. Their underlying time-correlation without those effects is stable and...
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In this paper, we estimate the determinants of the spreads between the 10-year sovereign bond yields and the (interest rate) swap rate for a sample of 22 OECD countries over the January 1999-December 2013 period, using various models. Our main, fixed-effect, model highlights the crucial role of...
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This paper uses a risk-averse formulation of the uncovered interest rate parity to determine exchange rates through interest rate differentials, and ultimately extract currency risk premia. The method proposed consists of developing an affine Arbitrage-Free class of dynamic Nelson-Siegel term...
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We propose a quadratic term-structure model of the EURIBOR-OIS spreads. Contrary to OIS, EURIBOR rates incorporate credit and liquidity risks resulting in compensations for (a) facing default risk of debtors, and (b) possible unexpected funding needs on the lender’s side. Our approach allows...
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This paper shows how interbank market fragmentation disrupts monetary policy implementation. Fragmentation is defined as the situation where some banks are cut from the interbank loan market. The paper incorporates fragmentation in an otherwise standard theoretical model of monetary policy...
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We analyze the term structure of real interest rates in a general equilibrium model with incomplete markets and borrowing constraints. Agents are subject to both aggregate and idiosyncratic income shocks, which latter may force them into early portfolio liquidation in a bad aggregate state. We...
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This paper introduces a novel kind of interest-rate model offering simple analytical pricing formulas for swaps, futures, swaptions, caps and floors. The model is based on an original use of regime-switching features that makes it consistent with the non-linear behavior of interest rates. In...
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Nous etudions dans ce papier la relation entre le rendement et le risque pour les marches de taux sur l'euro-dollar, l'euro-mark et l'euro-franc, de 1975 a 1997. Nous testons la relation entre l'exces de rendement de portage et la volatilite a partir d'une modelisation ARCH-in-Mean.
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