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In this paper we argue that banks anticipate short-term market rates when setting interest rates on loans and deposits. In order to include anticipated rates in an empirical model, we use two methods to forecast market rates - a level, slope, curvature model and a principal components model -...
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This article aims at estimating leading indicators of the American economy with financial variables. We use two types of hidden Markov chains models, a quantitative one (Krolzig (1997)) and a qualitative one (Gregoir and Lenglart (2000)). These models provide a robust and reliable framework to...
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This paper develops an arbitrage-free affine term structure model of potentially defaultable sovereign bonds to model a cross-section of eight euro area government bond yield curves since January 1999. The existence of a common monetary policy under European Monetary Union determines the short...
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En nous inspirant des travaux portant sur les marches boursiers des pays industrialisés, nous analysons la volatilite des rendements boursiers d'Asie du Sud-Est à partir de la méthodologie ARCH. Notre objectif consiste à mettre en évidence les spécificités des marchés boursiers du...
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En nous inspirant des travaux portant sur les marches boursiers des pays industrialises, nous analysons la volatilite des rendements boursiers d'Asie du Sud-Est a partir de la methodologie ARCH. Notre objectif consiste a mettre en evidence les specificites des marches boursiers du Sud-Est...
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A large part of the term structure literature interprets the first underlying factors as a level factor, a slope factor, and a curvature factor. In this paper we consider factor models interpretable as a level factor model, a level and a slope factor model, respectively. We prove that such...
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In this paper, we present a general discrete-time affine framework aimed at jointly modeling yield curves associated with different debtors. The underlying fixed-income securities may differ in terms of credit quality and/or in terms of liquidity. The risk factors follow conditionally Gaussian...
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We propose a quadratic term-structure model of the EURIBOR-OIS spreads. Contrary to OIS, EURIBOR rates incorporate credit and liquidity risks resulting in compensations for (a) facing default risk of debtors, and (b) possible unexpected funding needs on the lender’s side. Our approach allows...
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The paper provides an overview of recent asset price developments in France in the light of analytical research carried out at the Banque de France. Like in many other countries, historically low interest rates have boosted asset price dynamics in France over recent years. The paper attempts to...
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Macroeconomic questions involving interest rates generally require a reliable joint dynamics of a large set of variables. More precisely, such a dynamic modelling must satisfy two important conditions. First, it must be able to propose reliable predictions of some key variables. Second, it must...
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