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This paper introduces risk averse workers into a search and matching model and considers the quantitative performance … search and matching models. … in unemployment and vacancies but also wages, is the drop in consumption for the unemployed. In addition, explaining the …
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This paper explores wage-setting in the presence of asymmetric information. Firms know their own productivity, while workers only know the distribution of productivity in the economy. Although there is unemployment in equilibrium, the labor market is competitive in the sense of Moen (1997):...
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labor market models have a hard time generating the degree of cyclical volatility in unemployment and vacancies that is … studies a dynamic matching model with downward wage rigidity. Like Mortensen and Pissarides (2001) and Jansen (2001), we … surplus of jobs exhibits substantially more cyclical volatility than in standard matching models with transferable utility …
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I analyze the effects of introducing fixed-term contracts, leaving existing labor market regulations unchanged, on unemployment and labor market segmentation. I use an efficiency wage model in which the firm's choice of contracts and the renewal rate of fixed-term contracts into permanent ones...
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We first scrutinize and challenge Prescott's (2002, 2004) quantitative analysis of the role of differences in taxes in explaining cross-country differences in labor market outcomes, and then defend an alternative model that assigns an important role to cross-country differences in social...
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employment (the job finding probability) play secondary roles. We conclude that search models that seek to explain life …
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A new model of unemployment based on an idea of Marx is presented and used to interpret the development of the British economy from the beginning of capitalism to the present. It is shown that unemployment may be created purposely by capitalists in order to weaken the bargaining position of the...
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In this paper I argue that most comparisons of the unemployment dynamics in the United States and Europe since the war incorrectly neglect the role of technological catch-up in Europe up to the late 1960s and the contribution of the different growth experiences in the two continents. Growth has...
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characterized by matching frictions and costly screening. When effort in improving ability raises both the mean and the variance of …
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The main goal of this paper is to measure the welfare costs of business cycles in a production economy in which the representative agent has low risk aversion and - at the same time - the equity premium and the co-movements of aggregate quantities and market returns are comparable to what...
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