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of low emissions compatible with sustainable levels of human welfare? With steady growth in human quality of life … of the first generation subject to achieving a given, constant rate of growth in all subsequent generations. Hence, our … paths entailing very low emissions in the future, positive rates of growth in QuoL are possible while the first generation …
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empirical evidence, we develop a simple model combining the standard Ak growth model with the tax evasion phenomenon. When …
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In this paper we derive the general framework for growth models with non competitive labor and output markets and … disequilibrium unemployment. For the three standard ways of generating savings, the framework makes clear how capital growth depends … we analyze the long run relationship between growth and unemployment for some standard wage setting rules: constant real …
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The nineteenth century was a time of substantial changes in the patterns of economic growth. This was also a period of … patterns of economic growth and political voice are not coincidental. In this paper we develop a general equilibrium model of … implemented policies. In turn, these policies influence the character of economic growth. We find in the social structure of …
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In this paper, we construct and estimate a unified model combining three of the main sources of cross-country income disparities: differences in factor endowments, barriers to technology adoption and the inappropriateness of frontier technologies to local conditions. The key components of our...
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show that the two measures behave differently in standard growth regressions and argue that this is because the standard … model is a mis-specification in this context. Casualties appear to affect growth more in smaller populations. We argue that …
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disparities in the sectoral structure. For that purpose, we characterize the dynamic equilibrium of an endogenous growth that …
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Human capital accumulation may negatively affect economic growth by increasing tax avoidance and reducing effective tax … and tax avoidance affects economic growth and macroeconomic dynamics. Our findings show that this interaction produces … remarkable growth and welfare effects. …
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growth, and find that it has a robust negative effect on GDP growth. This link coexists with the negative link between … variance and growth typically found in the literature. To explain the link between crises and growth we present a model where … weak institutions lead to severe financial constraints and low growth. Financial liberalization policies that facilitate …
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growth rate. A crucial implication of these results is that protection of intellectual property is most beneficial in open …
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