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semiparametric model is based on the parametric conditional copula and nonparametric conditional marginals. To avoid the curse of … conditional kernel smoothers based on local linear estimator. The semiparametric copula model is compared with the parametric DCC …
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This paper evaluates the model risk of models used for forecasting systemic and market risk. Model risk, which is the potential for different models to provide inconsistent outcomes, is shown to be increasing with and caused by market uncertainty. During calm periods, the underlying risk...
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This paper proposes a new method of estimating the Taylor rule with a time-varying implicit inflation target and a time-varying natural rate of interest. The inflation target and the natural rate are modelled as random walks and are estimated using maximum likelihood and the Kalman filter. I...
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Abstract: The robust permanent income model discussed in a number of works, see e.g. Hansen et al. (1999, 2002), is reformulated as a linear quadratic tracking problem with a time-varying intercept following a ‘Return to Normality’ model. The results in Tucci (2005), which...
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This paper builds upon the work by Tucci and Kendrick (2001) in which the authors develop a quadratic form version of the robust permanent income and pricing model described in Hansen, Sargent and Tallerini (1999). Then using the parameter values given on p. 18 of the HST paper they compute the...
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Epidemics are often modeled using non-linear dynamical systems observed through partial and noisy data. In this paper, we consider stochastic extensions in order to capture unknown influences (changing behaviors, public interventions, seasonal effects, etc.). These models assign diffusion...
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analysis and copula theory. First we consider the case of the complete markets followed by the general case of incomplete …
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consistent framework. Credit spreads are modelled by geometric Brownian motions with a dependence structure powered by a t-copula …
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In this paper we examine the usefulness of multivariate semi-parametric GARCH models for portfolio selection under a Value-at-Risk (VaR) constraint. First, we specify and estimate several alternative multivariate GARCH models for daily returns on the S\&P 500 and Nasdaq indexes. Examining the...
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