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impact that the enactment of various types of E-verify mandates may have on the employment and wages of these two populations … likelihood of native workers. Impacts on wages are positive for likely unauthorized women suggesting a large labor supply … reduction. For native-born workers, hourly wages also increase and provide some evidence of substitutability of unauthorized …
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This paper estimates the effect of immigration on native wages at the national level taking into account the endogenous …
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the wage effects of mobility among graduates from apprenticeship in Germany. Our instrumental variables approach exploits …
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the wage effects of mobility among graduates from apprenticeship in Germany. Our instrumental variables approach exploits …
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€™s effect on wages using within-region variation. Our results show that emigration from Poland was largest for workers with … intermediate-level skills and that it is wages for this skill group that increased most. We also show that emigration led to a … slight increase in wages overall but that workers at the low end of the skill distribution made no gains and may actually …
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contribution of this paper is in addressing various selectivity problems whilst quantifying the impact of return migration on wages … of returnees using non-experimental data. Using Egyptian household level survey data, I estimate the wages of return …
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Germany. We employ an instrumental variables approach exploiting variation in regional labor market characteristics. Our …
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