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This paper presents and compares three heuristics for the combinatorial auctionproblem. Besides a simple greedy (SG … combinatorial auction process to an allocation with maximalrevenue for the auctioneer. The performance of these three heuristics is …
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This paper investigates GA approaches for solving the reliable communicationnetwork design problem. For solving this problem a graph withminimum cost must be found that satises a given network reliabilityconstraint. To consider the additional reliability constraint dierent approachesare...
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of edges. There are two variantsof crossover operators for the edge-set encoding: With heuristics that con-sider the … weights of the edges, or without heuristics. Due to a strong biasof the heuristic crossover operator towards the minimum …
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For the reliable communication network design (RCND) problem links areunreliable and for each link several options are available with dierent reliabilitiesand costs. The goal is to nd a cost-minimal communicationnetwork design that satises a pre-dened overall reliability constraint.This paper...
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In diesem Beitrag wird ein Simultanplanungsansatz für die Flugplanerstellung vorgestellt.Bisherige Ansätze zur Flugplanerstellung separieren das Problem und lassen deshalb Interdependenzenzwischen den Problemvariablen unberücksichtigt. In dem vorgestellten Planungsansatzwerden mittels eines...
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This paper investigates how the use of the trivial voting (TV) mapping influences the performanceof genetic algorithms (GAs). The TV mapping is a redundant representation for binaryphenotypes. A population sizing model is presented that quantitatively predicts the influence ofthe TV mapping and...
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variants of the edge-set encoding:the edge-set encoding without heuristics, and the edge-set encoding withheuristics. An … investigation into the bias of the edge-set encoding showsthat the crossover operator of the edge-set encoding without heuristics … isunbiased, that means it does not favor particular types of trees. In contrast,the crossover operator with heuristics is biased …
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Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit dem Aufbau kostengünstiger Kommunikationsnetzwerkeunter Zuverlässigkeitsrestriktionen. Für den Aufbaudes Kommunikationsnetzes stehen je Verbindung verschiedene Leitungstypenmit unterschiedlichen Zuverlässigkeiten und Kosten zur Verfügung.Im Rahmen der...
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