Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Economists are giving more attention to the issue of subjective well-being. A recent study of households in West Virginia treats subjective well-being in a quality of life context (Bukenya 2003) in rural areas. Wolfers (2003) examines business cycle volatility and subjective well-being, while...
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Many studies delete incomplete data prior to model estimation, resulting in less efficient and potentially biased parameter estimates. Multiple imputation provides a model-based method of simultaneously estimating missing values for several variables, conditioned on the observed values. The...
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A growing number of studies investigate the determinants of happiness, or subjective well-being. Few, however, specifically examine the financial aspects of subjective well-being. This study estimates the determinants of subjective financial wellbeing (SWB) for a city in the American Southwest....
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Objectives. Most researchers who use survey data must grapple with the problem of how best to handle missing information. This article illustrates multiple imputation, a technique for estimating missing values in a multivariate setting. Methods. I use multiple imputation to estimate missing...
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Recent experimental games conducted by ethnographers (Henrich et al. 2004) have shown that groups with higher levels of market integration exhibit higher levels of prosocial behavior. In order to see whether these results are confirmed in a broader ethnographic sample, this paper draws from the...
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This paper studies in some detail a class of high frequency based volatility (HEAVY) models.  These models are direct models of daily asset return volatility based on realized measures constructed from high frequency data.  Our analysis identifies that the models have momentum and mean...
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This paper is concerned with the Bayesian estimation of non-linear stochastic differential equations when only discrete observations are available. The estimation is carried out using a tuned MCMC method, in particular a blocked Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, by introducing auxiliary points and...
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This paper provides methods for carrying out likelihood based inference for diffusion driven models, for example discretely observed multivariate diffusions, continuous time stochastic volatility models and counting process models. The diffusions can potentially be non-stationary. Although our...
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In this paper we exploit the specific structure of the Euler equation and develop two alternative GMM estimators that deal explicitly with measurement error. The first estimator assumes that the measurement error is lognormally distributed. The second estimator drops the distributional...
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