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This paper estimates teachers' impacts on their students' future criminal justice contact (CJC). Using a unique data … deviation of teacher effects on students' future arrests of 2.7 percentage points (11% of the sample mean). Teachers' effects on …
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Using rich Texas administrative data, we estimate the impact of middle school principals on post-secondary schooling, employment, and criminal justice outcomes. The results highlight the importance of school leadership, though striking differences emerge in the relative importance of different...
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We use six years of data on student test performance to evaluate the effectiveness of certified, uncertified, and alternatively certified teachers in the New York City public schools. On average, the certification status of a teacher has at most small impacts on student test performance....
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observations, and student surveys. Although all three types of measures could be biased by unmeasured traits of the students in … predicts performance following random assignment of that teacher to a class of students. Combining our results with those from …
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The effect of evaluation on employee performance is traditionally studied in the context of the principal-agent problem. Evaluation can, however, also be characterized as an investment in the evaluated employee's human capital. We study a sample of mid-career public school teachers where we can...
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, while less effective transfers stay in lower-performing schools, likely exacerbating the differences across students in the …
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adulthood. The program led to a gradual increase in university education of the high school treated students, reaching a gain of …
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Perceived shortcomings in the quality of American education at the elementary and secondary school levels have drawn much public attention recently. In particular, concern with the composition of the teacher force has been prominent. Informed assessment of the various proposals for increasing...
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Even as research has begun to document that teachers matter, there is less certainty about what attributes of teachers make the most difference in raising student achievement. Numerous studies have estimated the relationship between teachers' characteristics, such as work experience and academic...
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There are fierce debates over the best way to prepare teachers. Some argue that easing entry into teaching is necessary to attract strong candidates, while others argue that investing in high quality teacher preparation is the most promising approach. Most agree, however, that we lack a strong...
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