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This paper studies the dynamics of labor demand at the plant and aggregate levels. The correlation of hours and employment growth is negative at the plant level and positive in aggregate time series. Further, hours and employment growth are about equally volatile at the plant level while hours...
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Many kinds of economic behavior appear to be governed by discrete and occasional individual choices. Despite this, econometric partial adjustment models perform relatively well at the aggregate level. Analyzing the classic employment adjustment problem, we show how discrete and occasional...
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The theory of factor demand has important implications for the study of the impact of immigration on wages. This paper … theory can be used to check the plausibility of the many contradictory claims that appear throughout the immigration …
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Immigration is not evenly balanced across groups of workers that have the same education but differ in their work … market impact of immigration by exploiting this variation in supply shifts across education-experience groups. I assume that … substitutes. The analysis indicates that immigration lowers the wage of competing workers: a 10 percent increase in supply reduces …
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to date in understanding the impact of high skilled immigration from the perspective of the firm and the open areas that … call for more research. Since much of the U.S. immigration process for skilled workers rests in the hands of employer firms …
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The small open economy model with incomplete asset markets features a steady state that depends on initial conditions and equilibrium dynamics that possess a random walk component. A number of modifications to the standard model have been proposed to induce stationarity. This paper presents a...
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Adjustment costs determine the dynamics of the response of an industry's output to a shift in demand. Absent any adjustment costs, an increase in demand not accompanied by any change in factor prices raises output, labor, capital, and materials in the same proportion. In the presence of...
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In the presence of lumpy investment cost of adjustment, globalization may have non-conventional effects on the level of investment and its cyclical behavior. Trade openness may lead to a discrete 'jump' in the level of investment, as it may trigger a discrete change in the terms of trade. Such a...
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We study the inferences about labor adjustment costs obtained by the 'gap methodology' of Caballero and Engel [1993] and Caballero, Engel and Haltiwanger [1997]. In that approach, the policy function of a manufacturing plant is assumed to depend on the gap between a target and the current level...
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