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The theory of factor demand has important implications for the study of the impact of immigration on wages. This paper … theory can be used to check the plausibility of the many contradictory claims that appear throughout the immigration …
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Immigration is not evenly balanced across groups of workers that have the same education but differ in their work … market impact of immigration by exploiting this variation in supply shifts across education-experience groups. I assume that … substitutes. The analysis indicates that immigration lowers the wage of competing workers: a 10 percent increase in supply reduces …
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In this paper, we argue that differences in the cost structure across sectors play an important role in the decision of firms to adjust their prices. We develop a menu-cost model of pricing in which retail firms intermediate trade between producers and consumers. An important facet of our...
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This paper documents the extent to which immigrants participate in the many programs that make up the welfare state. The immigrant- native difference in the probability of receiving cash benefits is small, but the gap widens once other programs are included in the analysis: 21 percent of...
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Natives benefit from immigration mainly because of production complementarities between immigrant workers and other … productive inputs. The available evidence suggests that the economic benefits from immigration for the United States are small … considerably if the United States pursued an immigration policy which attracted a more skilled immigrant flow …
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competes with other potential host countries in the "immigration market". Host countries vary in their "offers" of economic … opportunities and also differ in the way they ration entry through their immigration policies. Potential immigrants compare the … various opportunities and are non-randomly sorted by the immigration market among the various host countries. This paper …
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research teams participated in an experiment. After being surveyed about their position on immigration policy, they used the … same data to answer the same well-defined empirical question: Does immigration affect the level of public support for … the measured impact ranging from strongly negative to strongly positive. We find that research teams composed of pro-immigration …
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