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We adopt a general equilibrium approach in order to measure the effects of recent immigration on the Western German … labor market, looking at both wage and employment effects. Using the Regional File of the IAB Employment Subsample for the … period 1987-2001, we find that the substantial immigration of the 1990's had no adverse effects on native wages and …
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Using the 2003 National Survey of College Graduates, I examine how immigrants perform relative to natives in activities likely to increase U.S. productivity, according to the type of visa on which they first entered the United States. Immigrants who first entered on a student/trainee visa or a...
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This paper studies the effect of increased immigration in Austria on the risk to natives of becoming unemployed …
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), two-sector trade model to analyse the determinants of voter attitudes towards immigration under direct democracy and … stiffening attitudes towards low-skill capital-poor immigration. If the import-competing sector is intensive in the use of low … sector leads nationals to oppose immigration of capital-poor low-skill households. An increase in income inequality is also …
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The selection of immigrants by skill and education is a central issue in the analysis of immigration. Since highly … what determines the skill-selectivity of immigration. In this paper we examine the proportions of highly educated among …
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, there are sufficient conditions for immigration to raise total employment. We then estimate the effects of immigration on …In this paper we construct a simple model of the effects of immigration on the labour market outcomes of natives. In … wages and employment of both types of workers across Spanish provinces following the lifting of some restrictions on …
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We analyse the impact of increased immigration on labour market outcomes of natives in Germany using a dataset of … county-level variables for the late 1980s. We study two measures of immigration, the change in the share of foreigners … unemployment. Taking account of the mean reversion in unemployment we find no detrimental effect of immigration. Similar results …
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This paper presents a first attempt at understanding some of the many issues involved in the granting of an amnesty to illegal immigrants. We consider government behavior with respect to allocations on limiting infiltration (border control) and apprehending infiltrators (internal control) and,...
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While anecdotal evidence suggests that interest groups play a key role in shaping immigration policy, there is no … combining information on the number of temporary work visas with data on lobbying activity associated with immigration. We find … robust evidence that both pro- and anti-immigration interest groups play a statistically significant and economically …
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Immigration as a source of population growth is traditionally represented by neoclassical growth models with negative …
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