Showing 1 - 10 of 18
Das im Jahre 1999 ins Leben gerufene GET UP - Gründernetzwerk hatte zum Ziel, die Zahl technologie- bzw. wissensbasierter Unternehmensgründungen in Thüringen spürbar zu steigern und die Gründeratmosphäre an den beteiligten Hochschulen nachhaltig zu verbessern. Der Beitrag analysiert hierzu...
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The paper provides an insight into the efforts of Germany to create a culture of entrepreneurship at higher-education institutions and to promote university-based start-ups. The focus is on one particular network initiative - GET UP - which is part of the federal program EXIST University-based...
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This paper proposes a model where heterogeneous firms choose whether to undertake R&D or not. Innovative firms are more productive, have larger investment opportunities and lower own funds for necessary tangible continuation investments than non-innovating firms. As a result, they are...
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In 2002 a survey conducted by the University of Applied Sciences Jena pointed out that many young technology-based firms in the Free State of Thuringia in Germany strive for international contacts. 50% of the enterprises that have been surveyed operated internationally, 40 % intends to establish...
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Die Bedeutung der Hochschulen im Innovationsprozess von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft kann nicht hoch genug veranschlagt werden. Ihre Aufgaben beschränken sich nicht mehr nur auf die Generierung und Vermittlung von Wissen, hinzugetreten ist mittlerweile auch die sog. Entrepreneurial Science, die...
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We propose a two-sided model with two competing Internet platforms, and a continuum of Content Providers (CPs). We study the effect of a net neutrality regulation on capacity investments in the market for Internet access, and on innovation in the market for content. Under the alternative...
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This paper examines patent protection in an endogenous-growth model. Our aim is two-fold. First, we show how the patent policies discussed by the recent patent-design literature can influence R&D in the endogenous-growth framework, where the role of patents has been largely ignored. Second, we...
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The creative industries have long been seen as an innovative sector. More recent research posits that creative occupations are also a fundamental, but overlooked, driver of innovation. Theory also suggests cities are important for both creative industries and occupations, with urban environments...
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This Paper develops a framework for testing discrete complementarities in innovation policy using European data on obstacles to innovation. We propose a discrete test of supermodularity in innovation policy leading to a number of inequality constraints. We apply our test to two types of...
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