Showing 1 - 10 of 321
This paper analyses the impact of government grants on labour demand using plant leveldata for manufacturing industry in Ireland. Our data consists of a large sample of plants andtheir complete grant history...
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We develop a structural multi-factor labour demand model which distinguishes between eightlabour categories including non-standard types of employment such as marginalemployment. The model is estimated for both the number of workers and total working hoursusing a new panel data set...
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Over the last decade house prices increased remarkably in many countries. However, while in several countries there was an employment boom in the construction sector, in others the share of employment in this sector did not significantly change. In this paper we estimate a model of labour demand...
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Using firm level data on 70,000 enterprises in 107 countries, this paper finds importanteffects of access to finance, business regulations, corruption, and to a lesser extent,infrastructure bottlenecks in explaining patterns of job creation at the firm level. The paperfocuses on how the impact...
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This paper estimates a structural model of the employment decision of the firm. Ourestablishment level data displays an extreme degree of rigidity in that employment levels arelargely constant throughout our sample...
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Using a matched firm-worker dataset, we show both theoretically and empirically that positiveassortative matching between firms...
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Census data show that since 1980 low-skill workers in the United States have beenincreasingly employed in the provision of non-tradeable time-intensive services - such asfood preparation and cleaning - that can be broadly thought as substitutes of homeproduction activities. Meanwhile the wage...
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To assess the employment effects of labor costs it is crucial to have reliable estimates of thelabor cost elasticity of … labor demand. Using a matched firm-worker dataset, we estimate along run unconditional labor demand function, exploiting …
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This paper examines the causes and consequences of changes in the incidence ofentrepreneurship in the UK. Self-employment as a proportion of total employment is high byinternational standards in the United Kingdom, but the share has fluctuated over time. Weexamine the time series movements in...
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This paper discusses the occurrence of Skill-Enhancing Technology Import (SETI), namelythe relationship between imports of embodied technology and widening skill-basedemployment differentials in a sample of low and middle income countries (LMICs)...
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