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This paper surveys recent work in equilibrium models of labor markets characterized by search and recruitment frictions …
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This Paper derives optimal employment contracts when workers are risk-averse and there are employment and unemployment risks. Without income insurance, consumption rises during employment and falls during unemployment. Optimal employment contracts offer severance compensation to smooth...
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We examine product market regulation as an explanation for divergent US and continental European labor market performance. First, we show that the choice of bargaining regime is crucial for the effect of product market competition on unemployment rates, being substantial under collective and...
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accepted as superior to all others. Instead, an aggregate matching function with hires as a function of vacancies and …We survey the microfoundations, empirical evidence and estimation issues underlying the aggregate matching function …. Several microeconomic matching mechanisms have been suggested in the literature with some successes but none is generally …
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In this paper we study the contribution of inflows and outflows to the dynamics of unemployment in three European countries, the United Kingdom, France and Spain. We compare performance in these three countries making use of both administrative and labour force survey data. We find that the...
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Recent research in macroeconomics emphasizes the role of wage rigidity in accounting for the volatility of unemployment fluctuations. We use worker-level data from the CPS to measure the sensitivity of wages of newly hired workers to changes in aggregate labor market conditions. The wage of new...
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-Mortensen-Pissarides structure: firms enter by posting vacancies and match with workers bilaterally, with match probabilities given by an aggregate … matching function. Wages are determined through Nash bargaining. We also consider aggregate productivity shocks, and a complete …
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We develop a simple model featuring search frictions and a nondegenerate labor supply decision along the extensive …
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We study the interactions between aggregate growth and structural change. Our economy has many sectors characterized by different rates of total factor productivity growth and producing differentiated products. All sectors produce consumption goods but one sector, labelled manufacturing, also...
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