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a number of Central and Eastern European countries, Russia, and China. We use metadata from 33 studies of 10 transition …
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complementarity in the practice. The model is estimated on panel data for workers and firms in Russia, facilitating identification …
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estimates of capital productivity and firm-level efficiency in Soviet industry are correct, enterprise managers in Russia …
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The rapid growth of barter is one of the most surprising phenomena in Russia: As a percentage of industrial sales it … monthly data collected by the central bank of Russia, the Goskomstat, and the Russian Economic Barometer (REB), to emphasize … the macro-economic features of barter in Russia, and, more specifically, the link between monetary policy and bartering …
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We use data from the 2006 round of the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) to describe perceptions of the Russian population about the transition process and the role of the state compared to that of free markets. We find that about one half of Russian population is disappointed with...
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Soviet Republics of Russia and Ukraine. Exploiting annual manufacturing census data from 1985 to 2000, we find that Soviet … Russia displayed job flow behavior quite different from market economies, with very low rates of job reallocation that bore … reforming Russia than in “gradualist” Ukraine, as did the estimated effects of privatization and competitive pressures from …
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Only a successful implementation of an overall reform program will enable Russian banks to provide financial intermediation and assist in the country's development from a nascent market economy to a mature financial system. The chances for reform are better now than at any time during the last...
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Gross job and worker flows in Russian industry are studied using panel data from a recent survey of 530 firms selected through national probability sampling. The data permit an examination of several important measurement issues – including the timing and definition of employment, the roles of...
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use data from the recently liberalized and regionally diverse country of Russia to test the hypothesis. Estimating …
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implications constitutes the main contribution of the paper. The effect of wealth redistribution on economic growth in Russia is …
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