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determined by the initial gap. We obtain these results with 2SLS estimates where slavery is used as an instrument for the initial … gap. The excludability of slavery is preliminarily established by instrumenting it with the share of disembarked slaves … initial racial gap in education and that slavery affects growth indirectly through this channel. …
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This essay investigates the determinants of the growth performance of Africa. I start by illustrating a broader research agenda which accounts not only for basic economic and demographic factors, but also for the role of history and institutional development. After reporting results from...
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We investigate the impact of slavery on the current performances of the US economy. Over a cross section of counties …, we find that the legacy of slavery does not affect current income per capita, but does affect current income inequality …. Moreover, we find that the impact of slavery on current income inequality is determined by racial inequality. We test three …
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We study the effect of civil conflict on social capital, focusing on the experience of Uganda during the last decade. Using individual and county-level data, we document large causal effects on trust and ethnic identity of an exogenous outburst of ethnic conflicts in 2002-05. We exploit two...
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This Paper develops a simple new methodology to test for asset integration and applies it within and between American stock markets. Our technique is tightly based on a general intertemporal asset-pricing model, and relies on estimating and comparing expected risk-free rates across assets....
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This Paper develops a simple but general methodology to estimate the expected intertemporal marginal rate of substitution or ‘EMRS’, using only data on asset prices and returns. Our empirical strategy is general, and allows the EMRS to vary arbitrarily over time. A novel feature of our...
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This Paper analyses the effect of a possible takeover on information flows and on the terms of trade in business relationships. We consider a long-term relationship between a firm and a privately-informed stakeholder, a buyer for example. In our model, takeovers both increase the surplus from...
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This Paper characterizes the integration patterns of international currency unions (such as the CFA Franc zone and the East Caribbean Currency Area). We empirically explore different features of currency unions, and compare them both to countries with sovereign monies, and to regions within...
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In this paper we estimate a New-Keynesian DSGE model with heterogeneity in price and wage setting behavior. In a recent … study, Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2011) develop a DSGE model, in which firms follow four different types of price setting … heterogeneity in wage rigidity, such as the persistence in price and the wage inflation, which a standard New Keynesian model with …
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constant markups. The differences are important quantitatively; price differences in Hungarian exports between Germany and the …
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