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We construct an endogenous growth model of directed technical change with automation (the introduction of machines … are low, which induces little automation, such that income inequality and labor's share of GDP are constant. Second, as … low-skill wages increase, investment in automation is stimulated, which depresses the future growth rate of low …
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This paper considers price determination by monopolistic sellers who know the distribution of valuations among the potential buyers. We derive a novel condition under which the optimal price set by the monopolist is unique. In many settings, this condition is easy to interpret, and it is valid...
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This Paper studies scoring auctions, a procedure commonly used to buy differentiated products: suppliers submit offers on all dimensions of the good (price, level of non monetary attributes), and these are evaluated using a scoring rule. We provide a systematic analysis of equilibrium behaviour...
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This Paper deals with collective decision making within a group of independent jurisdictions. The right to choose the public policy is delegated from the central authority of one of the jurisdictions through a bidding procedure among the group members. We identify the following trade-off:...
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changes in the UK auction market for art that is subject to the Droit de Suite (DDS), relative to changes for art not subject … to the DDS, and also relative to changes in the auction markets for art in countries where there has been no change in … impact on the UK art auction market. …
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. For any number of objects and bidders, both the pure bundling auction and separate, efficient auctions for the single … objects are revenue-inferior to an auction that involves mixed bundling. …
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We usually assume increases in supply, allocation by rationing, and exclusion of potential buyers will never raise prices. But all of these activities raise the expected price in an important set of cases when common-value assets are sold. Furthermore, when we make the assumptions needed to rule...
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The most important issues in auction design are the traditional concerns of competition policy-preventing collusive … discuss radiospectrum and football TV-rights auctions, electricity markets, and takeover battles), and the Anglo-Dutch auction … of the context; the circumstances of the recent UK mobile-phone license auction made an ascending format ideal. We also …
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Economic theory is often abused in practical policy-making. There is frequently excessive focus on sophisticated theory at the expense of elementary theory; too much economic knowledge can sometimes be a dangerous thing. Too little attention is paid to the wider economic context, and to the...
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valuations. We show that the experimental evidence can be explained by a simple extension of the standard auction model, where …
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