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We model the demand-pressure effect on prices when options cannot be perfectly hedged. The model shows that demand pressure in one option contract increases its price by an amount proportional to the variance of the unhedgeable part of the option. Similarly, the demand pressure increases the...
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Motivated by policy statements of central bankers, we propose to regard the central banker as a risk manager who aims … at containing inflation and the deviation of output from potential within pre-specified bounds. We develop formal tools … of risk management that may be used to quantify the risks of failing to attain that objective. Risk measures inherently …
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situation poses to price stability. We propose to regard the central banker as a risk manager who aims to contain inflation … within pre-specified bounds. We develop formal tools of risk management that may be used to quantify and forecast the risks … of failing to attain that objective. We illustrate the use of these risk measures in practice. First, we show how to …
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for the pricing of risk includes homeownership rates) and in spatial economics (e.g. hedging considerations and the … problem. Within spatial economics, we identify the consequences of hedging motives for location decisions. We characterize a … pricing of risk affect the geographic allocation of human capital). …
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This paper proposes an alternative specification for the second stage of the Case-Shiller repeat sales method. This specification is based on serial correlation in the deviations from the mean one-period returns on the underlying individual assets, whereas the original Case-Shiller method...
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capture the proxy effect and risk premia — and an implied mispricing. We find that inflation and nominal interest rates …A reduction in inflation can fuel run-ups in housing prices if people suffer from money illusion. For example … account that inflation lowers future real mortgage costs. We decompose the price-rent ratio in a rational component — meant to …
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We study the equilibrium properties of an overlapping-generation economy where agents choose where to locate, and how much housing to own, and city residents vote on the number of new building permits every period. Under-supply of housing persists in equilibrium under conditions we characterize....
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Some booms in housing prices are followed by busts. Others are not. In either case it is difficult to find observable fundamentals that are correlated with price movements. We develop a model that is consistent with these observations. Agents have heterogeneous expectations about long-run...
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and bonds for US investors. Risk averse investors that hold residential real estate for investment purposes have future … relative demand for either is not significantly affected by home ownership. For less risk averse agents the price return on …
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This paper examines the depth and duration of the slump that invariably follows severe financial crises, which tend to be protracted affairs. We find that asset market collapses are deep and prolonged. On a peak-to-trough basis, real housing price declines average 35 percent stretched out over...
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