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What are the main causes of international terrorism? The lessons from the surge of academic research that followed 9/11 remain elusive. The careful investigation of the relative roles of economic and political conditions did little to change the fact that existing econometric estimates diverge...
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This paper investigates the effects of financial development and political instability on economic growth in a power-ARCH framework with data for Argentina from 1896 to 2000. Our findings suggest that (i) informal or unanticipated political instability (e.g., guerrilla warfare) has a direct...
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An unstable macroeconomic environment is often regarded as detrimental to economic growth. Among the sources contributing to such instability, the literature has assigned most of the blame to political issues. This paper empirically tests for a causal and negative long-term relationship between...
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We develop a theory of political transitions inspired in part by the experiences of Western Europe and Latin America. Nondemocratic societies are controlled by a rich elite. The initially disenfranchised poor can contest power by threatening social unrest or revolution, and this may force the...
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What is the relationship between economic growth and its volatility? Does political instability affect growth directly or indirectly, through volatility? This paper tries to answer such questions using a power-ARCH framework with annual time series data for Argentina from 1896 to 2000. We show...
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Although recent research has repeatedly found a negative association between investment and political instability, the … such a causal and negative long-run relationship between political instability and investment. It finds that there is a … robust causal relationship from instability to investment, and that it is positive. In other words, an increase in political …
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savings incentives and ameliorate the wealth constraints that impede investment by the poor. The second model is a growth …
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that, contrary to what they profess, macroeconomic and political risk is not inhibiting the investment behavior of …
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Sports organizations, Hollywood studios and TV channels grant satellite and cable networks exclusive rights to televise their matches, movies and media contents. Exclusive distribution prevents viewers from watching attractive programs, and reduces the TV-distributors incentives to compete in...
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This Paper examines how the investment of financially constrained firms varies with their level of internal funds. We … develop a theoretical model of optimal investment under financial constraints. Our model endogenizes the costs of external … investment is U-shaped. In particular, when a firm’s internal funds are negative and sufficiently low, a further decrease leads …
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