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Traditional least squares estimates of the responsiveness of gasoline consumption to changes in gasoline prices are biased toward zero, given the endogeneity of gasoline prices. A seemingly natural solution to this problem is to instrument for gasoline prices using gasoline taxes, but this...
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: (i) While global demand shocks account for the largest share of oil price fluctuations, speculative shocks are the second … demand. However, speculation played a significant role in the oil price increase between 2004 and 2008, and its subsequent … collapse. (iii) The comovement between oil prices and the prices of other commodities is mainly explained by global demand …
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production process feeds back into market demand. The main assumption is that economic agents and the policy-maker care about the …
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If some, but not all, countries are cooperating to reduce CO2 emissions, it can be argued that: A high carbon tax on carbon-intensive tradable sectors in the cooperating countries will reduce the production of goods from these sectors, and therefore CO2 emissions, in those countries. This will...
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Both the mining and the burning of coal is pollutive, so one might expect to observe taxes on coal production and consumption. Yet several countries in Western Europe subsidize coal production, and most East European countries subsidize coal consumption. The first part of this paper shows that...
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International markets for tradable emission permits (TEP) co-exist with national energy taxation. A firm trading emission permits in the international market also pays energy taxes in its host country, thus creating an interaction between the international TEP-market and national energy taxes....
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This paper analyses a set of new scenarios for energy markets in Europe to evaluate the consistency of economic incentives and climate objectives. It focuses in particular on the role of natural gas across a range of climate policy scenarios (including the Copenhagen Pledges and the EU Roadmap)...
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trade, energy demand, and welfare. For this, we develop a structural Eaton-Kortum type general equilibrium model of …. The model helps understanding the interplay between country-specific energy productivity, energy demand, and trade. The … general import tariffs can be an effective instrument to reduce energy demand. For small open economies, taxing imports as an …
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This paper reviews the economic literature on the role of fees in patent systems. Two main research questions are usually addressed: the impact of patent fees on the behavior of applicants and the question of optimal fees. Studies in the former group confirm that a range of fees affect the...
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observed in major patent offices. We provide the first panel-based evidence suggesting that fees affect the demand for patents … residential demand for oil or water). The laxity of fee policies adopted by patent offices over the past 25 years therefore …
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