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output and unemployment and of long-run partisan differences in the inflation rate as implied by the `rational partisan … theory' (Alesina, 1987); (d) we find virtually no evidence of permanent partisan differences in output and unemployment. …This paper studies whether the dynamic behaviour of GNP growth, unemployment and inflation is systematically affected …
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at containing inflation and the deviation of output from potential within pre-specified bounds. We develop formal tools … this loss function under weak assumptions may be estimated from realizations for inflation and output gap data even in the … parameters with respect to the inflation and output objectives during the Greenspan period. We formally test for and reject the …
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The New-Keynesian Taylor-Rule model of inflation determination with no role for money is incomplete. As Cochrane (2007a … invoked if inflation misbehaved. Thus we answer the criticisms levelled at the Taylor Rule that it has no credible mechanism …
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We use annual data drawn from 1950-85 to estimate an econometric model of the money multiplier for the United Kingdom. We define the money multiplier as ratio of the money stock broadly defined (M3) and the monetary base (M0), and then decompose the multiplier into the currency ratio, the time...
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This paper gives money a role in providing cheap collateral in a model of banking; this means that, besides the Taylor Rule, monetary policy can affect the risk-premium on bank lending to firms by varying the supply of M0 in open market operations, so that even when the zero bound prevails...
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, with a deflationary impact on current price and output, for plausible parameterizations. It also causes the money wage to …
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Fiscal consolidations achieved by means of spending cuts are much less costly in terms of output losses than tax …
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by the conventional theory of the demand for factors of production. …
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We compare the most common methods for selling a company or other asset when participation is costly: a simple simultaneous auction, and a sequential process in which potential buyers decide in turn whether or not to enter the bidding. The sequential process is always more efficient. But...
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delegation in the context of a cost-reimbursement procurement problem. Our solution combines several features of the modern …
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