Showing 1 - 10 of 75
prices and quality. We generalise existing literature on spatial price-quality competition along several dimensions …
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Krugman’s (1980) model of trade predicts that the country with the relatively large number of consumers is the net exporter and hosts a disproportionate share of firms in the increasing returns sector. He terms these results 'home market effects'. This Paper analyzes three additional models...
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Market size and transport costs are important ingredients of international trade. We propose to look at these issues from a different perspective. Using a Hotelling duopoly model with quadratic transport costs, we analyse the welfare effects of international trade between two countries that...
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Incorporating space in economic models has two important consequences. First, the hypothesis of perfect competition becomes untenable, and second, the distinction between private and public goods becomes blurred. We review arguments that lead to these conclusions and summarize recent work...
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heterogeneity; specification of price competition; structure of spatial competition; firms' information; dynamics; multi-store firms …
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on quality, price and welfare. The merging firms always reduce quality. They also increase prices if demand …
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We propose a dynamic model of an oligopoly industry characterized by spatial competition between multi-store retailers. Firms compete in prices and decide where to open or close stores depending on demand conditions and the number of competitors at different locations, and on location-specific...
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electricity pool and show that price-cost margins substantially increased with the 1996 merger that took the industry from a six …
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. Price-cost margins and bid shading are affected by the parameters of the information structure: supply functions are steeper … grows large the equilibrium becomes price-taking, bid shading is of the order of 1/n, and the order of magnitude of welfare …
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We specify several variants of a structural econometric model explaining mortgage interest rates and loan sizes simultaneously. The models are estimated by simultaneous equation methods with a sample of loan files originated from a French mortgage lender. They yield estimates of the...
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