Showing 1 - 10 of 53
We estimate the multiplier relying on differences in spending in infrastructure across Italian provinces and an instrument identifying investment changes that are large and exogenous to local cyclical conditions. We derive our instrument from the Law mandating the interruption of public work on...
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Several recent studies based on 'exogenous' sources of variation in education outcomes show Instrumental Variables (IV) estimates of returns to schooling that are substantially higher than the corresponding Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimates. Card (1995a) suggests that these results can be...
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We model a trader’s decision to supply liquidity by submitting limit orders or demand liquidity by submitting market orders in a limit order market. The best quotes and the execution probabilities and picking off risks of limit orders determine the price of immediacy. The price of immediacy...
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This paper investigates the importance of parents reading to their young children. Using Australian data we find that parental reading to children at age 4 to 5 has positive and significant effects on reading skills and cognitive skills of these children at least up to age 10 or 11. Our findings...
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This paper examines the impact of fiscal incentives on the level of R&D investment. An econometric model of R&D investment is estimated using a new panel of data on tax changes and R&D spending in nine OECD countries over a nineteen-year period (1979-1996). We find evidence that tax incentives...
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This Paper analyses the choices of exchange rate regimes in developing countries since 1980. Static and dynamic random-effects multinomial panel models are estimated using simulation-based techniques. Explanatory variables include OCA fundamentals, stabilization considerations, currency crises...
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We investigate the determinants of the remarkable increase in intra-regional migrations since the 1980’s in Spain, using a large administrative micro dataset on migrants. Conditional migration probabilities are identified by comparing the migrants’ joint distribution of characteristics to...
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What are the main causes of international terrorism? The lessons from the surge of academic research that followed 9/11 remain elusive. The careful investigation of the relative roles of economic and political conditions did little to change the fact that existing econometric estimates diverge...
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The economic literature has largely overlooked the importance of repeat and circular migration. The paper studies this behaviour by analyzing the number of exits and the total number of years away from the host country using count data models and panel data from Germany. More than 60% of...
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The Paper evaluates the German health care reform of 1997, using the individual number of doctor visits as outcome measure. A new econometric model, the Probit-Poisson-log-normal model with correlated errors, describes the data better than existing count data models. Moreover, it has an...
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