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percent for males and females, respectively. In addition, we find that the effect of education on crime persists across birth …'s Multigenerational Register matched with more than 30 years of administrative crime records. The first stage of the analysis employs a … cohorts, throughout the life cycle, and across crime categories. …
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that this large-scale government intervention in the use of self-protective measures lowers crime and improves social …
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punishment to former inmates recommitting a crime can be considered as good as randomly assigned. Based on a unique data set on … recommit a crime by 1.24 percent: this corroborates the general deterrence hypothesis. However, this effect depends on the time …
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friends with other criminals (by learning and acquiring proper know-how in the crime business). We first study the Nash … show that multiple equilibria with different number of active criminals and levels of involvement in crime activities may … formation and crime decisions game. We show that the multiplicity of equilibrium outcomes holds even when we allow for …
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player is, i.e. the criminal who once removed generates the highest possible reduction in aggregate crime level. We also show …
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show that in the cross-section dimension, crime and unemployment are positively associated. Second, we find that increases … in youth unemployment induce increases in crime. Using the predicted industrial structure to instrument unemployment, we … show that this effect is causal for burglaries, thefts, and drug offences. To combat crime, it appears thus that all …
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This paper examines the issue of whether workers learn productive skills from their co-workers, even if those skills are unethical. Specifically, we estimate whether Jose Canseco, one of the best baseball players in last few decades, affected the performance of his teammates. In his...
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We revisit the question of the efficiency of individual decisions to be protected against crime for the cases of both …. A decrease in the global crime payoff is detrimental to a victim if protection is observable, while it is beneficial …
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market outcomes reinforce each other to imply high crime rates among blacks living in cities. This is referred to as the … experience the same labour market and crime outcomes and live together. This is referred to as the non-discriminating equilibrium … of crime is greater. Consequently, if there were no spatial dimension in this economy so that all workers were residing …
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We propose a market-for-offenses model of property crime, which explicitly accounts for protection expenditures among … heterogeneous individuals. The crime equilibrium is modeled as a free-access equilibrium in which the match between criminals and … victims equates the average returns to crime. We borrow from the literature on the economics of conflicts in order to define …
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